Stewed Fruit

I love having stewed fruit in the freezer.  It’s quick and easy to make, uses up any surplus fruit, and handy for deserts such as crumbles, added to ice cream or custard, or as fillings inside puff pastry.  It’s real comfort food.

For stewed apricots …


  • Apricots, chopped.
  • Sugar
  • Water

That’s all!


Put the chopped fruit into a pan with a splash of water and a small amount of sugar.

Cook on a medium heat, stirring frequently.  Add more water and sugar if needed.

It really is that simple!

There really isn’t any limit to what you can do … plum and cinnamon (one of my favourites), apple, cinnamon and raisins, or rhubarb and ginger …

Spinach and Mushroom Risotto

Lunches this week consisted of humus, baby spinach leaves , grated carrot and raisin sandwiches.

I had some spinach left over so used it up in a risotto for a quick and easy dinner.

Serves 2


  • 1 onion, diced
  • Mushrooms, sliced
  • Spinach – frozen is fine if you don’t have fresh
  • 1 carrot, grated
  • Olive oil
  • 150g arborio rice – I rinse rice to reduce arsenic levels
  • Nutmeg, grated
  • 750ml stock – I use Marigold
  • 2 tsp nutritional yeast (optional) – I use Marigold
  • Salt and pepper to taste


Put some olive oil in a pan and sauté the onions and mushrooms until the onions are translucent.  Add the rice and coat it in the oil.

Gradually stir in the stock and add the nutritional yeast, nutmeg and salt and pepper to taste.